These general terms and conditions for the provision of services by the design studio Furnicoolture (hereinafter referred to as the supplier) to the client, who is a natural or legal person ordering a service from the supplier (hereinafter referred to as the "client"), are an integral part of every confirmed order for the provision of services, thereby creating a binding contractual relationship between the client and the supplier.

An order is considered accepted and legally binding at the moment of confirmation by the client. This moment is regarded as the moment of validity and effectiveness of the contract for work.

The supplier undertakes to deliver the service to the client according to the specifications stated in the confirmed order, properly and within the agreed time.

The client undertakes to accept the delivered service and to pay the agreed price.


The ordered service will generally be delivered to the client within a period of 4 – 8 weeks, unless otherwise stated in the order. These periods are counted from the date of receipt of the advance payment into the supplier’s account.

If the supplier finds that they will not be able to meet the delivery deadline, they are obliged to inform the client without undue delay (by phone or email) and simultaneously notify them of an alternative delivery date.


The client is obliged to pay the supplier the price for the delivered service (including VAT at the statutory rate).

The client will provide the supplier with an advance payment of 50% of the total price including VAT.

The balance of the price will be paid by the client either upon receipt of the service or based on the invoice within its due date. Upon receipt of the service, the client will be provided with an invoice – a tax document. If the client only takes part of the order, they will pay for that part.

The due date of the invoice is fourteen days from the receipt of the service.

If the client does not collect the service within five days from the agreed delivery date, they are obliged to pay the supplier the balance of 90% of the service price. The remaining 10% will be paid by the client upon receipt of the service.


The client may withdraw from the contract until the order is completed, but they are obliged to pay the supplier the amount corresponding to the work already performed.

The supplier may withdraw from the contract if the client is in delay with the advance payment of the price.

Withdrawal from the contract must be made in writing and delivered to the other party in person. The withdrawal document must state the reasons for withdrawal. The withdrawal becomes effective upon delivery to the other party.

The contractual parties have agreed on the following contractual penalties:

a) In case of the supplier's failure to meet the agreed delivery date, the client is entitled to a contractual penalty of 0.03% of the price of the undelivered furniture for each day of delay;

b) If the client is late with the advance payment or balance of the price, the supplier is entitled to a contractual penalty of 0.03% of the owed amount for each day of delay.


These General Terms and Conditions are issued in accordance with the provision of § 273 para. 1 of the Commercial Code and form an integral part of the contract for work between the client and the supplier, regardless of whether the client is a natural or legal person.

The rights and obligations of the contractual parties, which have not been specifically agreed upon between the parties and are not contained in these General Terms and Conditions, are governed by the relevant provisions of § 536 et seq. of the Commercial Code.

If any provision of the contract or these General Terms and Conditions becomes invalid or ineffective without the explicit will of both contractual parties, it does not affect the validity and effectiveness of the other contractual arrangements.

By signing the order or the contract, the client confirms that they have read these General Terms and Conditions, understood their content, and agree with their wording.

The order may be changed or supplemented based on an agreement between the contractual parties in the form of a written amendment.

These conditions can only be applied in conjunction with a specific order confirmed by the supplier.
